纳星计划简单来说是FLiiiP Design面向年轻动画人和想发展动画方向的相关行业者们开展的实习计划。但和常规工作实习略有不同的是,FLiiiP的实习生除了在商业项目内的实战工作外,还可以选择在实习期间内,在团队的帮助下完成一支有自己风格的15秒星星作业。
FLiiiP纳星计划 F-Star Project is basically a internship program for young animators and those who want to pursue a career in animation industry.
During the intership, along with participating in commercial projects, each of the interns will complete a personal short animation. FLiiiP members will choose the direction and make a plan according to each intern’s style preferences and characters, help them to complete their own Star-work and explore the balance between personal art style and commercial application during the process.
林哲 | Linzhe
范雯 | wen.fan
邹33 | nullcarrier33
李豆豆 | _leedodo
郑呵呵 | rere.Zheng
全世蛋 | George Egg
李福毛 | Fumao Li
-Special thanks to 狒狒周, FLiiiP‘s honorary music director for her fantastic music